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Cleaner removes stains and rust without harsh fumes

Madison Chemical Soar HF

Madison Chemical has introduced Soar HF, a high-foaming, liquid acidic cleaner designed to penetrate and remove rust, oxides, calcium carbonate, and other types of scale, stains, and deposits without harmful fumes. The high foam characteristics allow application in difficult-to-reach areas.

The cleaner typically is used from 10% by volume in water to 100% at 65 to 120 degrees F. It may be applied by foam, immersion, hand spray, brush, or wiping and usually is followed by a thorough cold-water rinse. Contact times vary with each application, but 1 to 5 minutes is a general starting point.

The product may produce discoloration or controlled etch on aluminum, mild steel, stainless steel, and copper alloys, so it should be pretested for effectiveness and safety on all contact surfaces before implementation in production.