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Forum to help Great Lakes area manufacturers compete

More than 50 organizations from several states and the province of Ontario are partnering to present the Great Lakes Manufacturing Forum, March 3–4 at the Westin Hotel at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. According to organizers, the goal of the forum is to help manufacturing companies in the Great Lakes region compete in a global economy and to show the nation and the world that the region is and will continue to be the technology hub of manufacturing.

The Detroit Regional Chamber, The Ontario Chamber of Commerce, and the office of the Canadian Consul are presenting the forum in partnership with manufacturers, chambers of commerce, manufacturing associations, Manufacturing Extension Partnerships, colleges and universities, and government officials from throughout Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Ontario, and Wisconsin.

The forum will build on manufacturing sessions that have taken place already in individual Great Lakes states and Ontario. Targeted issue areas include manufacturing's image, workforce (training, attraction, and retention), trade (transport of goods, security), and future directions (R&D). Nearly 400 participants are expected.