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Tuper installs Brazil's largest HF welding machine

Tuper Industria Metalurgica's Caxias do Sul, Brazil, mill has installed a Thermatool 1,000-kW HF dual contact/induction welding machine. According to Thermatool, it is the largest HF welding machine in that country. Installed with the welding machine are locally made seam annealers from Inductotherm Group Brasil.

The machine can switch between contact and induction welding on the same line. Contact welding yields high efficiency for welding thicker-walled product, often required in structural sections. With induction welding, the company can manufacture API-grade products for the oil and gas market.

Tuper is a provider of automotive parts including suspension components, shock absorbers, steering columns, roll bars, and seat structures. The company also supplies hollow structural sections for custom-designed architectural roofs.