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Tubing system delivers abrasive finishing to small-diameter pipe interiors

Pferd Inc. has introduced Polistar-Tube, a multistage tubing system that allows Polistar flexible abrasive stars to reach bore and pipe interiors. To prevent corrosion on stainless steel pipes, the system is manufactured using stainless steel rivets.

The abrasive stars are suitable for small-diameter bores and pipes from ¼ to 1.5 in. dia., performing cleaning, fine grinding, and very fine grinding of bores; removal of heat discoloration in stainless steel after welding; inlet and outlet radiusing of bores; light deburring; and deburring in cross bores.

The multistage internal fin-grinding system, used with the appropriate flexible shaft and motor drive, allows the abrasive stars to be used on difficult-to-access inner surfaces of pipes, pipe bends, and deep bores.