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Cutting ring system helps prevent pipe slippage

Voss Fluid GmbH has developed a new, patented cutting ring system: the VOSSRing with preassembly stud. The system provides maximum leakage protection and prevents installation errors on pipe connections in hydraulic systems.

The ring cuts steel and stainless steel pipes. Its material, geometry, and technical characteristics are designed for maximum pressure and dynamic load capacity up to 800 bar. The system helps prevent flange damage and pipe slippage.

The pre-assembly stud helps simplify installation while maintaining accuracy. The tool blocks further travel with a dead stop as soon as the ring has traveled the suitable preassembly distance. The increase in force indicates that the user has reached the end location of the preassembly, eliminating the possibility of unintended excess installation.

In addition to the dead stop functionality, the system provides enough clearance to perform a finish cut on the ring during final installation.