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Metal fabricating skills in the hands of an artist

Sculptures by James Owens

Photo courtesy of Josh Welton, Brown Dog Welding.

James Owens is a multitalented artist who has put an extraordinary amount of work into his acting, painting, and fabricating. James and his wife Kathleen are originally from Detroit, but after a stint in Los Angeles, sandwiched between stays in Tennessee, the couple and their spunky 12-year-old-dog Indy now live in sunny Mesa, Ariz.

Currently James’ bread and butter is his painting. Before I even knew him, I bought an original piece of his, a charcoal sketch of “Petey,” the pit bull from “Little Rascals.” It was a gift for my wife Darla, who was named after the girl in the old black-and-white TV show. But there’s another path he’s explored that I’ve been keenly interested in, and it’s one that will resonate with all of the fabricators out there.

This other work is a series of sculptures James calls “Streampunk.” I’ll let him give you the rundown:

“OK … lemme see, building my ʼ52 Hudson I gained some skills in metal shaping, welding, and painting. You cannot give an artist a set of skills like that without art coming from it. I have a passion for Streamline Moderne design. I wanted to create pieces that are influenced by that late ʼ30s/’40s design movement, but also reflect elements of automotive design. I love the challenge of combining different elements into a well-balanced, cohesive design form.”

The sculptures are fascinating, each one unique, while at the same time hitting a note familiar with early to mid-20th-century style. Every part is fabricated, assembled, and finished by his hand, and it had to be that way. No waterjet or laser could maintain the soul of James’ vision. The pieces are anchored to marble bases, giving them an acute sense of gravity.

Please enjoy the photographs I was able to capture on a recent visit to the Owens’ household. James supplied the progress pics, as well as the sketches. The craftsmanship and creativity on display continue to inspire me, and I hope they will you as well.

About the Author
Brown Dog Welding

Josh Welton

Owner, Brown Dog Welding

(586) 258-8255