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How to prepare a Press Release

  1. Type to 5 or 6 short paragraphs describing your product, literature, service, Web site, or company news (mergers, awards, personnel changes relocations, etc.).
  2. Include the most important information in the first two paragraphs. When releases are edited, information in the last paragraphs is the first to be cut.
  3. Write a headline that includes the most important feature about the product.
  4. Be sure to include a contact name, address, and phone number to which reader inquiries should be sent — and for editorial questions, if contacts are different. Note: Releases submitted without a contact name or address will not be considered for publication.
  5. A print photo of any size or slide can be submitted with the release; photos will be cropped to fit our columns. Photos will not be returned. Also, we cannot search for photos used in releases published in past issues.
  6. Electronic files of text releases should be in Word, WordPerfect, or ASCII (generic text). Do not embed graphics into a text document.
  7. Electronic files of photos should be submitted as a separate file for each photo. We can use .gif, .eps, .tiff, or .jpg files, or .pdf files saved in at least 300 dpi. We cannot use .ppt (PowerPoint) files or photos embedded in a Word document.
  8. Where necessary, please mark "top" on a label placed on the back of the photo or slide to ensure that it is placed correctly in the magazine. Do not write directly on the back of the photo.
  9. If you staple the photo to the release, make sure the staple goes through the photo border, not through the image itself. Otherwise, use a paperclip and turn the photo in toward the paper.
  10. No release or photo can be guaranteed for publication, due to space limitations.
  11. We will not publish industry news or product news releases that announce machinery orders, machinery sales, machinery deliveries, or other news pertaining to the normal course of doing business.

E-mail releases here.