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European builder of 3D printers for making medical devices plans to open a U.S. subsidiary

To extend the reach of its additive manufacturing products and services, Kumovis Inc., Munich, Germany, recently announced plans to open its first subsidiary in the United States. Negotiations are in progress.

The company delivers a range of medical products and services, including the R1 printer, on-site training, and product design. Kumovis says its technologies allow med-tech companies to economically 3D-print individualized implants and small batches of surgical instruments.

The company offers medical-grade polymers, such as PEEK, PEKK, PPSU [polyphenylsulfone], and PLA, and is working with partners on further development of filaments.

Examples of products the Kumovis R1 open-filament printer can additively manufacture include cranial implants, spinal fusion devices, and medical instruments. The printer was designed for point-of-care applications.

Albert Woo, M.D., of Brown University, said, “3D printing patient-specific PEEK cranial implants at the point of care can improve outcomes in neurosurgery and craniomaxillofacial surgery. The introduction of solutions like this will expand the market and provide faster access to these critical technologies.”