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Entry-level depowdering system for metal 3D-printed parts

Solukon’s Smart Powder Recuperation technology, introduced in 2015, automated the depowdering of complex metal parts in a safe, cost-efficient manner. The German company recently expanded its offerings with the addition of the SFM-AT200 depowdering system.

The entry-level depowderer, intended for the medical technology industry, has a small footprint and is easy to operate, according to Solukon, which recommends it for small and medium-sized metal parts.

The new machine removes residual powder from complex metal parts via rotation and controlled vibration. However, despite rotation and vibration, residue often sticks to the walls of narrow internal channels and the porous surfaces of medical components. The SFM-AT200’s ultrasonic excitation action depowders these particularly challenging geometries by making the powder “flowable,” promoting its removal from the smallest channels.