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Welding end prep tool bevels, faces in one operation

A heavy-duty, ID-clamping pipe milling end prep tool that can bevel and face in one operation, including any degree of end prep and compound bevels, is available from Esco Tool.

The Prepzilla® MILLHOG can produce end preps on all wall thicknesses at any angle, without cutting oils. It is suitable for hard-to-machine materials such as superduplex and P91. Featuring one mandrel and eight sets of interchangeable clamps for the full working range of the tool, it is suitable for pipe from 1-1/2 in. ID to 8-5/8 in. OD.

Capable of counterboring for aligning different schedules of pipe, the tool is supplied as a complete kit with all clamp ribs and pads, a hose and filter, lubricator, and a metal carrying case.