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Beckwood to manufacture 1,000-ton compression molding press for the U.S. Army

Beckwood Press Co., a St. Louis-based manufacturer of custom hydraulic presses, automation systems, and forming equipment, has been awarded a contract by the U.S. Army—Natick Soldier Research, Development & Engineering Center (NSRDEC) to produce a custom ,1,000-ton hydraulic press that will be used to consolidate ballistic composites in a compression molding application.

The press features a 36- by 36-in. forming area and quick die change. The proprietary, multiaxis active leveling control uses a high-speed motion controller, linear transducers, and proportional valves to synchronize the press’s actuators and maintain bed-to-ram parallelism despite off-center loading.

Beckwood will manufacture two sets of platens in addition to the main bed and ram bolsters. The first will offer steam heating, and the second will offer electrical heating with temperatures up to 600 degrees F.