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Coe to build cut-to-length line for Bad Boy Mowers

Sterling Heights, Mich.-based Coe Press Equipment is developing a cut-to-length line for Bad Boy Mowers, a manufacturer of professional-grade lawn mowers in Batesville, Ark. This investment will enable Bad Boy to bring much of its blanking operations in-house.

The new 60-in. blanking line comprises a heavy-duty 800 series servo roll feed, a 60-in. by 30-ft. dual threading table, an HD-series heavy-duty 5.00- by 60-in. power straightener, a 50,000-lb.-capacity coil, a hydraulic production shear, a 120-in.-long magnetic finger stacker with conveying system, and an Allen-Bradley ControlLogix controls package.

The line is being built to process steel that is 0.080 to 0.312 in. thick (depending on material width) at 319 FPM. The finger stacker provides direct-drop stacking of the blanks to avoid potential damage or material marking. The stacker also has a powered scissors lift table capacity of 6,600 lbs. It can handle blank widths from 24 to 60 in. and lengths from 24 to 120 in.