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Industrial Innovations provides lubrication systems to Tenneco

Industrial Innovations, Grandville, Mich., has provided two lubrication systems to the pressroom at Tenneco’s Elkhart, Ind., facility, where the company manufactures clean air systems for the automotive industry. The lubrication systems comprise a Pro-Mix™ Dual proportional lubricant-mixing system and Spra-Rite™ roll coater featuring a Beta processor.

The lubricant-mixing systems enable one lubricant type to be mixed at two different ratios and mixing stations. The Beta controls package provides independent control of up to 48 injectors for lubricant volume, stroke count, and time delay, as well as 200 spray patterns with automatic or manual capability.

The roll coaters offer simple coil feed installation with coil or power feed capability, automatic press control communication, and 200-part recipe capability. Additionally, these systems feature a one-piece, quick-release roller, which allows quick changeover time between jobs.