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CCAI to present webinar series on finishing

Photo courtesy of Therma-Tron-X.

The Chemical Coaters Association Intl. (CCAI), Taylor Mill, Ky., and Products Finishing magazine have developed a new webinar series, “Maintaining A Quality Finish.” The three-part series will provide information on how to obtain and maintain the quality of each critical aspect of the overall industrial finishing process to ensure a consistent and repeatable finish. The presentations will include examples of what can go wrong, potential defects, and appropriate solutions.

The first webinar, “Hanging Methods and Pretreatment Solutions,” will be presented May 17 at 2:00 p.m. EDT, with featured speakers Bill Oney of Therma-Tron-X and Larry Ensley of Hubbard-Hall. The presentation will cover hooks and hook options for end users, as well as considerations for design to promote performance, ergonomics, and cost savings. It also will address the pretreatment process and will briefly cover equipment requirements.

On July 18 at 2:00 p.m. EDT, the second webinar in the series, “Drying, Cooling and Curing Technologies,” will provide attendees with principles and best practices to heat and cool various substrates as they pertain to maintaining a quality finish. This will include general criteria on sizing and designing dryoff ovens and cooling. This session will also cover flash requirements for liquid paints and paint applications, such as wet-on-wet application. Sam Woehler of George Koch Sons and Tony Scoville of Hubbard-Hall will provide the technical content.

Rounding out the series, Dan Szczepanik of Sherwin-Williams and John Owed and Eric Fritz of Carlisle Fluid Technologies will present “Coating Materials and Application Techniques” on Sept. 13 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Attendees will learn how to choose the best method for maintaining a quality finish and achieving consistent results through real-world examples. The webinar will also cover the fundamentals of the electrostatic process, equipment application variables, spray pattern adjustment, and selecting the starting point for application parameters and application techniques.

Attendees may register for any or all of the webinars. For more information, visit www.ccaiweb.com/events/event_list.asp.