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PCI to host classes on the basics of powder coating

The Powder Coating Institute, Independence, Ky., has announced it will hold two classes covering the basics of powder coating.

“Powder Coating 101 - Basic Essentials” will be held Jan. 23-24 at the Georgia Power Customer Resource Center in Atlanta. The class is designed for people new to the powder coating industry or those needing to develop more technical knowledge and skills. Participants will receive the PCI Finisher’s Handbook. For more information, visit www.powdercoating.org/event/101Jan18.

“Powder Coating 202 - Optimizing Your Powder Coating Operation” will be held Feb. 6-7 at the Gema plant in Indianapolis. This hands-on advanced workshop provides advanced technical information on the complete powder coating process, including quality control and testing methods. Participants will have ample time in the lab to spray parts, set up automatic and manual guns, and test their skills during an application contest. For more information, visit www.powdercoating.org/event/202Feb18.