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PPG video series shows OEMs how to repair surface defects on finished coatings

Pittsburgh-based coatings manufacturer PPG has produced four videos for YouTube—including an introductory video and three training videos—demonstrating how OEMs and their suppliers can repair surface defects on coated parts without re-running entire units through their production lines.

A brief video highlighting the time, economic, and labor benefits of offline defect repairs introduces the series at www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOIB8kj2ics&feature=youtu.be. The first training video shows viewers how to repair minor defects, such as the removal of small particles of dirt from the paint surface. The second training video illustrates the removal of moderate scratches and other defects that require reapplication of the topcoat over an intact primer coat. The third training video demonstrates repair of severe defects, such as deep gouges, that require sanding and removal of paint and primer to the base metal substrate.

Each 2- to 4-min. demonstration begins with a list of tools, equipment, and products needed for the repair, then guides viewers through each stage of the process, from sanding and surface cleaning through paint application and final polishing.