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Novelis to establish Customer Solution Centers for collaboration with automakers

Novelis Inc., an aluminum rolling and recycling company in Atlanta, has announced plans to establish a global network of Customer Solution Centers (CSCs) to accelerate collaboration between Novelis and automakers for the next generation of vehicle design. Novelis will work with OEMs to determine how to maximize the use of lightweight, high-strength aluminum.

The facilities will be led by teams of researchers, designers, and engineers located in close proximity to automakers' manufacturing sites in North America, China, and Europe. They will provide an environment to demonstrate product concepts, simulate customer processes and performance in use, and leverage data to educate stakeholders throughout the supply chain about elements from forming to costing.

The first center is scheduled to open in Novi, Mich., with China and Europe to follow. Each center will include high-tech development machinery, from CAD software to virtual collaboration capabilities and visualization technologies.

In addition to material and design application support, the CSCs will provide sustainable process recommendations such as closed-loop recycling systems and the use of more alloys with higher recycled content to help curb CO2 emissions and establish more secure supply chains.