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Hypertherm releases 2016 corporate social responsibility report

Hypertherm, Hanover, N.H., a manufacturer of plasma, laser, and waterjet cutting systems and software, has released its annual corporate social responsibility report. It shows record results in all areas of CSR, including community engagement, environmental impact, and associate well-being.

For 2016, nearly 85 percent of the company’s employees volunteered, spending an average of more than 16 hours each in the community. Of those, more than 500 associates, or about 45 percent, served at least 24 hours, the maximum number covered under the company’s paid time off program last year.

Hypertherm also provided support to 132 nonprofits through its HOPE (Hypertherm Owners’ Philanthropic Endeavors) Foundation. The foundation supports organizations in five focus areas: health and wellness, education, food and shelter, STEM, and the environment.

The company diverted a record amount of waste from landfills in 2016. Hypertherm’s regional recycling center and improved partnerships with its supply chain helped the firm divert more than 2,500 tons of waste. Just 2.5 percent of waste generated by the company in 2016 went to a landfill, bringing it closer to its goal of zero landfill waste by 2020.

The full report is available at www.hypertherm.com/CSR.