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Ship & Shore Environmental’s president/CEO serves as mentor at U.N. event

Ship & Shore Environmental Inc., a Long Beach, Calif.-based, woman-owned firm that offers air pollution capture and control systems for industrial manufacturing companies, has announced that its President/CEO Anoosheh Oskouian has joined nonprofit Global G.L.O.W. (Girls Leading Our World) as a "distinguished mentor" at the United Nations International Day of the Girl “Girls Speak Out” event in New York.

"As a young girl, I needed mentors and now I know the importance of having one. I had been looking for a valuable opportunity to help young women from around the world obtain opportunities they never before thought possible,” said Oskouian. “I want these women to know that the unconscious and conscious biases that exist in the world regarding women today can be conquered, and I want to help families understand that confidence-building needs to begin at home. Today, I feel grateful to be a part of this change initiative and look forward to giving back from my experiences as an immigrant student and now CEO in this country. Together we can change the world.”

Global G.L.O.W., a nonprofit organization and member of the UN Working Group on Girls (WGG), assembled about 40 female delegates representing communities across the U.S., Africa, Asia, and South America for the Global HerStory Summit, which started Oct. 11, 2018. On that day, Global G.L.O.W. joined more than 300 girls to present at the “Girls Speak Out” event at the U.N.