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Beckhoff Automation’s AMP8000 combines servo drive system with servomotor

Beckhoff Automation has introduced the AMP8000 distributed servo drive system. By combining a servo drive and servomotor into one device, the system reduces overall machine footprint and space requirements inside control cabinets and enclosures. A single coupling module can operate up to five drives using the EtherCAT P One Cable Automation system that supplies industrial-grade power and EtherCAT industrial Ethernet communication.

Requiring no alterations to the existing machines, the servo drive offers power ratings from 0.61 to 1.23 kW and standstill torque ratings from 2.00 to 4.8 Nm at an F4 flange size or power ratings from 1.02 to 1.78 kW and standstill torque ratings from 4.10 to 9.7 Nm with an F5 flange.