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Coe Press Equipment’s Servo-Piloting Feeds offer response time of 5 ms

Coe Press Equipment has introduced the heavy-duty (HD) Servo-Piloting Feeds. They are programmable so that stampers can optimize the feed window and the pilot-release window for each die. These systems can process a variety of heavy-gauge materials, including advanced steels. Designed for high-speed environments, they also feature increased journal and bearing sizes that can deliver high torque, speed, and accuracy, the manufacturer states.

The feeds offer a response time of 5ms, eliminate the need for hoses and air and the maintenance they require, and provide energy savings.

The feeds are available in styles featuring 5-, 6-, 7-, or 8-in. roll diameters and can process materials from 18 to 84 in. wide in thicknesses from 0.030 to 0.75 in. Depending on style, drive ratio, and feed angle, the feeds can reach speeds up to 409 FPM.

The feeds are designed to work with the company’s ServoMaster™ controllers, featuring a 5.7-in. VGA color touchscreen interface and the ability to store 500 jobs.