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Metabo’s cordless nibbler and shear cut curved, straight metal surfaces

Metabo Corp. offers an 18-V nibbler and 18-V shear. The Metabo NIV 18 LTX BL 1.6 nibbler comes with a punch, die, and combination key. Cutting speed is adjustable, and the brushless motor delivers 600 to 2,360 SPM. The tool can cut through 16-ga. mild steel, 18-ga. stainless steel, and 14-ga. aluminum, with a minimum curve radius of 5/8 in.

The SCV 18 LTX BL 1.6 shear provides 1,300 to 4,840 SPM. The tool can cut through 14-ga. aluminum or nonferrous metals, 16-ga. carbon steel, and 18-ga. alloy/stainless steel, with a minimum curve radius of 1-9/16 in. The tool includes a guard for hand protection, a speed selector, two blades, two hexagon wrenches, and a feeler gauge.