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Laser system cuts tube, structural, sheet, plate

Mazak's Space Gear-U 44 performs high-speed, 2-D processing of sheet metal and plate; 3-D cutting of preformed parts; and 3-D rotary cutting of tube, pipe, and structural.

In rotary mode, the machine cuts rectangular, round, and triangular pipe, as well as C-, H-, I-, and L-beams within a 6 in. dia. The 5-axis torch and simultaneously controlled chuck let the machine fabricate angle cuts, weld-prep bevels, and contours in one operation. The 64-bit control incorporates illustrated fill-in-the-blank screens for quick programming.

With its multiaxis torch, the unit also laser-cuts stamped, hydroformed, and spun preformed parts, as well as high-speed, 2-D cuts and bevels in flat material.