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Liftomatic’s C1D1-DCM drum transporter suitable for work areas designated with EE or EX ratings

Liftomatic Material Handling Inc. has introduced a customized portable drum handler for C1 D1 applications, the C1D1-DCM. This drum transporter is a completely powered and self-contained handling device for lifting, lowering, and moving all types of steel, plastic, and fiber drums.

The unit incorporates a completely electrically enclosed and spark-free power drive, as well as power lift and lower for moving drums quickly and efficiently. Weight capacities up to 1,000 lbs. are available.

The units offer protection for EE- and EX-rated environments, a steering/throttle handle for forward/reverse drive, lift and lower features, and a tight turning radius for tight-aisle and restricted-workspace facilities. Standard lift height is 20 in.