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Madison Green cleaner is biodegradable, environmentally friendly

biodegradable general-purpose cleaner that removes greasy and waxy soils on floors, workbenches, and equipment.

Madison Chemical's Madison Green, a mildly alkaline, environmentally friendly, biodegradable general-purpose cleaner. Madison Chemical

Madison Chemical has introduced Madison Green, a mildly alkaline, environmentally friendly, biodegradable general-purpose cleaner that removes greasy and waxy soils on floors, workbenches, and equipment.

The free-rinsing product does not leave a white alkaline film on the cleaned surface. It is safe for use on all ferrous, zinc, aluminum, and brass alloys when used as directed. The cleaner is suitable for immersion, manual spray-and-rinse, or manual spray-and-wipe methods at concentrations from 5% by volume with water of any temperature to full strength.