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6 straightforward ways to motivate a welder

Many people have asked me how to motivate welders in the shop. The following are some ideas.

1. Money

If a shop doesn’t pay well, it won’t attract good welders. Health benefits and a 401(K) plan show that a company cares about its employees.

2. Safety

Shops must be safe to work in; every worker, including managers and support staff, should be certified in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) 10-hour general industry course. Also, weekly safety meetings are a must—but not boring drivel lectured to a sleepy group. Workers must get involved in the discussion.

3. Clean Shop Environment

Is it dark and dingy, dirty and unkempt, with stuff lying around? Lighting alone can help make employees feel better at work. A well-lighted, clean environment is more uplifting than a depressing, dirty work area.

4. Continuing Education

If welder training isn’t offered at a nearby college, workers should get training elsewhere, whether it’s at a national training institute or from welding equipment-makers.

5. Owner Accessibility

I’ve worked for companies with owners that came through the shop weekly and talked to us—not just about work, but how we were and how our families were doing. At other companies, I never saw or met the owners. Which companies do you think I was more loyal to?

6. Expectations

If a shop pays well, offers good benefits, and has a good environment, its managers shouldn’t be afraid to let welders know that they expect satisfactory production. Welders who are happy with a company will do their own policing when it comes to workers being late or slacking off.

If welders know that the shop cares, they’ll want to stay for a long time.

About the Author
High School Career Center in Texas

Marty Rice

Contributing Writer

High School Career Center in Texas

Marty Rice is a welding instructor at a high school career center in Texas. He is an honorary member of the Ironworkers Local 263.


Questions for the author can be e-mailed to vickib@thefabricator.com