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Welding Hacks: A multitool for small spaces

I made this multitool several years ago to save some space in my altogether-too-small shop.

The triangle piece rotates on an old car wheel hub that was free because the bearings were worn. However, as it rotates only a third- turn at a time, it makes no difference. The steel for the frame was donated by a local machine shop that I do business with, and I purchased the casters, which can be locked when in place and in use, from another local company.

A small crank on the back turns a bolt into a hole to keep the table up that is in use. There is also a stop pin so the whole thing can turn only once around, as it has built-in wiring for the tools. The wiring is sealed with silicon to keep out the dust, and there is a port on the front with a cover so you reach into the wiring or remove the bolts to change tools.

The light, which is the only thing other than the tools that is store-bought, is a gooseneck so that I can position it where necessary.

It is customizable, and I have mounted some different tools on it since my needs have changed. I’ve found this to be a handy item for a welding shop where space is limited.

George Stamm

Chippewa Falls, Wis.

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