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EKF 645 portable beveling machine from CS Unitec processes thick metal plates

To prep for weld seams, it bevels, deburrs, and chamfers thicker plates of steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and other nonferrous metals.

CS Unitec Inc.’s EKF 645 portable beveling machine. CS Unitec Inc.

CS Unitec Inc.’s EKF 645 portable beveling machine cuts a beveled angle of 45 degrees with a maximum bevel width of 9/16 in. It is designed to bevel, deburr, and chamfer thicker plates of steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and other nonferrous metals. A fine adjustment feature enables slight chamfers when deburring for the preparation of weld seams.

The machine has a 19.1-amp motor with soft start and overload protection. Six indexable carbide milling heads provide a cutting speed of 1,200 to 1,500 SFPM. Weighing 22.5 lbs., the unit can deburr contours and internal or external radii and countersink holes from 1-1/2 in. dia. An optional milling head is available to bevel 30-degree angles.