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Digital cross scanner captures all 3-D details in a single scan

Metris offers the XC65D scanner that captures all 3-D details of features, edges, pockets, ribs, and freeform surfaces in a single scan. The unit's digital operation boosts scanning frequency and drives intelligent laser intensity adaptation to scan any surface without user interaction.

Incorporating three lasers in a cross pattern, the scanner obtains a full 3-D view that captures the bore of a hole or the flanges of a notch. According to the company, this allows geometric features to be extracted from the acquired point cloud with higher accuracy. The unit avoids taking multiple scans of the same feature using different scanner paths and orientations, eliminating probe head indexing and reducing overall inspection time.

To scan surfaces with varying color or high reflectivity, the unit features third-generation enhanced sensor performance (ESP3). Dynamic point-per-point adaption of laser source intensity enables the scanner to deal with nearly all sample materials and surface finishes without operator interaction. This includes shiny surfaces and abrupt surface-type transitions, under any lighting conditions.

The scanner identifies potential assembly issues upfront by digitizing the complete geometry of slots, notches, and edges and specialized geometric features, including connection pins, welded bolts, T-studs, and "Christmas trees."