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Accidental happy accident

You’ve heard the expression “a happy accident,” referring to a coincidental fortuitous event.

One stamping manufacturer managed to transform an accident into a business opportunity.

Herman Garmers was a practicing dentist in Minnesota who came up with an idea to improve the clamping structure for dental cotton roll holders. Cotton holders are used in various dental applications such as bleaching, cavities fillings, and operative and restorative treatments. Garmers holders were designed to provide more retraction, accessibility, and visibility of the working area during a procedure. He patented this instrument in 1953 and his dental practice became dental instrument manufacturer Garmers Dental Instruments.

During his development of the holder, Garmers discovered that he needed complex stamping pieces manufactured to secure the connecting parts of the instrument, but he had difficulty finding a supplier capable of manufacturing them.

Boker’s Inc., Minneapolis, was known in the industry for being able to make custom, complex stampings to meet customers’ specific needs.A minor fender bender that occurred involving Garmers and J.P. Boker brought the two together.

How J.P. Boker managed to change what would ordinarily be a teeth-gnashing, mood-crushing irritant and inconvenience into what is now referred to as a “chance meeting” is a testament to the manufacturer’s sales savvy, charm, or upbeat attitude—or all three. Boker’s is celebrating its 100th-year anniversary in 2019.

Which negatives in your circumstances can be transformed into a happy accident?

Got thoughts? I’d love to hear from you. kateb@thefabricator.com

About the Author

Kate Bachman

Contributing editor


Kate Bachman is a contributing editor for The FABRICATOR editor. Bachman has more than 20 years of experience as a writer and editor in the manufacturing and other industries.