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Plasma Grate Cutting System from Soitaab USA designed to cut grating cleanly at high speeds

Soitaab’s Plasma Grate Cutting System cuts interrupted surfaces such as steel and aluminum grating at high speeds. It uses the patented Kjellberg Hotwire indirect plasma cutting system, in which a welding wire is fed automatically underneath the torch.

This wire acts as the anode, completing the electrical circuit without a direct connection to the workpiece. The wire simulates a continuous surface under the torch, and the grate beneath is cut as if it were a flat plate. There is no slowdown of the plasma torch, no surface preheating required, and no loss of the plasma arc as the torch moves across the interrupted grate surface.

According to the company, cutting speed approaches typical plasma cutting speeds, and the cut is clean and accurate with little to no rework required on the surface.

When not in use, the grate cutting attachment can be removed for standard flat plate cutting.