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Orbiweld 17 weld head from Orbitalum offers modular design with removable clamping cartridge

Enclosed orbital weld head, designed for small tube diameters

Orbiweld 17. Image courtesy of Orbitalum

Orbitalum has introduced the Orbiweld 17 enclosed orbital weld head, designed for small tube diameters from 0.118 to 0.669 in. and wall thicknesses up to 0.064 in.

Suitable for the confined manufacturing of systems in the semiconductor industry, the weld head features a modular design with a removable clamping cartridge. Simple to position around the tubes to be welded in inline or prefabricated production, the weld head is inserted into the cartridge, and the joint is ready for welding. Operating buttons are integrated into the handle of the weld head. Integrated liquid cooling protects the head from overheating.