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Quality – Experience – Affordability
Laser Advantage is focused on the commitment of being the best full service laser job shop, systems integrator, and service provider. Our laser job shop uses state-of the art automated laser machines and controls. Our service department and system group provide a variety of options for new or experienced laser owners. We provide nation-wide and international emergency laser service. Our staff understands the importance of volume and efficiency as well as quality and affordability. We pride ourselves in being your total service provider.

Our employees are trained field service engineers and laser machinists with over 30 years of experience in the industry. We offer a variety of options for your laser processing, service and system requirements. Our nation-wide service department supports not only your laser, but the entire system and process.

4 Townsend West

Suite 2

Nashua, NH 03063

Phone: 603-886-9464

Fax: 603-886-9465


Sales Contact

Rick Allard

General Manager

Email: Rick.Allard@laser-advantage.com

Sales: 603-886-9464