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Laser system handles oversized parts

Laser system handles oversized parts - TheFabricator.com

TRUMPF's TruLaser 8000 2-D laser cuts sheet metal up to 52 ft. long. The machine is suitable for companies processing very large parts or for job shops looking to expand their capacities and variety of services.

Two pallet concepts and six format sizes are available, from 8 by 20 ft. to 8 by 52 ft. The optional AdjustLine function modifies the cutting process to help increase the tolerance for variations in material quality. The optional CoolLine function uses water to remove excess heat created while cutting, which can help improve cutting results on low-grade materials.

The machine can process mild steel and stainless steel up to 1 in. using a 6-kW laser. The single cutting head can cut all material thicknesses.

The user interface features self-explanatory, dialog-based touch command. The ergonomic control panel can be adjusted for the operator's preferences and the lighting conditions in the production area.