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IMTS dedicates resources to help industry rebuild the supply chain

For the manufacturing industry, “We’re all in this together” means rebuilding fragile supply chains and rethinking parts sourcing and production. To support these efforts, IMTS – The International Manufacturing Technology Show has launched www.imts.com/supplychain, an educational section of www.imts.com.

Content includes stories, videos, webinars, and podcasts that provide OEMs and job shops with guidance on how to rethink, reengage, and reestablish their supply chains. Included are stories of how industry has responded and resources on the steps industry and government can take to ensure manufacturing self-sufficiency.

The site links to COVID-19 and rebuilding stories. It includes a brief history of why the supply chain disruption occurred, and IMTS has mapped out future content to show steps that can be taken to secure the supply chain moving forward.