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UP! Service Network’s video chat feature aids remote diagnostics for machine repair

 UP! Video Chat, for industrial field service

Image provided by The UP! Service Network

The UP! Service Network has launched a new feature, UP! Video Chat, for industrial field service.

The service network is accessible through desktop, tablet, or phone, giving machinists a rapid connection to a machine service provider. The requester provides details on the machine and outlines the current problem. The tech then has the necessary information to diagnose the issue and begin to determine the needed maintenance or repair. With the new feature, the service tech can provide guidance on how to make the repair via video and often can provide remote diagnostics.

The video chat feature also helps refine the estimating process, as the requester can take a phone or tablet to the machine and show the service provider the problem in real time to review repair options. With its ability to seamlessly switch from a horizontal to a vertical view, video chat lets the requester get into the machine and move around to get the view the service provider needs to diagnose the issue. This way, the diagnosis and repair can begin virtually, and the service provider can develop a more accurate estimate in terms of both cost and time to repair.