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Walmec’s 5-micron compressed air filter provides point-of-use filtration

Walmec North America offers a two-stage filter designed to operate most effectively when placed near the point of use. It has a 5-micron rating and is available in sizes with flows from 15 to 250 SCFM and pressure ratings up to 250 PSI.

The compressed air filter is suitable for a variety of applications including surface preparation, paint spraying, powder coating, air-powered tools, and pneumatically operated equipment.

The first-stage filter knocks out all liquids and particles of dirt, dust, rust, and scale. The second-stage filter removes remaining moisture, contaminants, and particles down to 5 microns. An automatic float drain under the second-stage filter opens and expels all collected liquids when an ounce or more is present. It is fully automatic with no continuous air loss.