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Jim's Cover Pass: Is welding an art form, scientific process, or both?

Illustration of welder

Is welding a scientific process or an art form? Or is it both? Getty Images

Q: I learned how to weld while aspiring to be a metal artist. When I recently gained employment as a welder, I was told that welding is not an art, it is a process with parameters that must be followed. So, is welding an art or a process?

A: This debate probably has been going on since welding began, and it’s one that, no matter how I answer, will prompt dissent from the opposing side. Let me begin by addressing this question: Is welding an art? I have known many in the welding industry who are able to lay down weld beads that are works of art. These are the skilled craftsmen and -women that have perfected this profession. I have also seen beautiful metal art sculptures that are held together with questionable welds. These were created by artists, not necessarily welders.

I have had the opportunity to work with a person who had an artistic vision but realized he was not qualified to do the welding himself, so he hired me. Through my travels I have enjoyed taking pictures of large metal sculptures, and then focusing in on the actual welds. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a few that were held together by paint. For the metal sculpture artist, welding is really just a creation tool, similar to a paintbrush or even a camera, to help bring their vision to life.

Welding is also a creation tool and part of a process in the metal fabrication industry. When we follow a welding procedure specification, we are following a process. This process has been designed and tested so a qualified welding technician can create a quality product that will pass inspection. As an inspector, I have always looked at the process first before I look at the weld. I have seen weld beads that looked good but were defective because the procedure was not followed. I have also seen those beads and products that, in a welder’s eyes, are works of art.

One of the first things I remember from welding school and my early mentors is the saying, “Every weld you make is your signature.” No matter what the product or application is, make sure the weld is good. If it’s not good, grind it out and do it again. I learned quickly that I am not a fan of grinding!

In conclusion, I will say that welding is a process. And when that process is followed, by the sculpture artist, a pipeline welder, or a custom motorcycle builder, the resulting product may even be worthy of artistic consideration. I believe the saying goes, every good welder can be an artist, but every good artist can’t be a welder.

About the Author
Lincoln Electric Education Division

Jim Mosman, AWS, CWI/CWE

Senior Company Trainer

Lincoln Electric Education Division

Jim Mosman is a Senior Company Trainer with Lincoln Electric Education Division.