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Aspect 230 GTAW machine from Lincoln Electric available with cooling system, cart

inverter-based arc welding power source for AC/DC GTAW and SMAW

The Aspect® 230 from Lincoln Electric. Lincoln Electric

Lincoln Electric® has created an inverter-based arc welding power source for AC/DC GTAW and SMAW. The Aspect® 230 offers advanced waveforms, full sequencer, and pulse controls. These and other features can be customized and stored in the available memory settings.

The lightweight unit is designed to provide the operator with maximum arc response and stability, says the company. It offers input power from 120 to 460 V.

The Cool-Arc 22® cooling system is available with the unit, as is a vertical two-wheeled cart designed to work specifically with the AC/DC and DC units. The cooling system enables the efficient use of water-cooled torches and fits conveniently into the cart.