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Lincoln 260MPX welder delivers 260 amps in compact design

Ranger 260MPX welder/generator

Lincoln Electric introduced the Ranger 260MPX welder/generator, delivering 260 amps in a compact design. Image provided by Lincoln Electric

Lincoln Electric has introduced the Ranger 260MPX welder/generator, which delivers 260 amps in a compact footprint. According to the company, the unit is 20% smaller, 25% lighter, 31% smaller by volume, and 60% quieter than other welder/generators in its class.

The digital interface includes simple push-and-turn controls. The combination of Ready. Set. Weld, Chopper Technology, and CrossLinc technology enables quick setup and improved arc control at every stage of the welding process, from anywhere on the job site, the manufacturer states.

Maintenance alerts track the status of engine functions and provide real-time data and notifications when service is required.