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Arc Welding 101: Evaluating partial joint penetration grooves for welder qualification to AWS D1.1

Q: How would you evaluate a flare V-groove joint for welder qualification to AWS D1.1? The standard is not clear on how to test the prequalified joint (B-P11-GF).

Dale L.

A: AWS D1.1 Subclauses 4.25 and 4.28, you’ll see that D1.1 for personnel qualification states that a complete joint penetration (CJP) groove weld qualifies a partial joint penetration (PJP) groove weld.

A flare-type joint configuration is a PJP. Typically you would use the V- and bevel-groove CJP configurations laid out in Clause 4 for groove welding personnel qualification.

That’s not to say you could never use a flare V- or bevel-groove PJP for personnel qualification. If flared grooves were a concern to me, I would design a workmanship sample requiring the welder to complete the flare V-groove to my weld procedure specification (WPS). Then I would cut and etch his weldment—usually at three locations—to evaluate size [(E) = 3/4r]. (See B-P11-GF).

Long story short, always use a CJP bevel- or V-groove for personnel qualification of CJP or PJP grooves, and use a PJP only as a supplement to verify that the welder, using your WPS, can achieve the required weld size.

About the Author
Braun Intertec

Paul Cameron

Braun Intertec

4210 Highway 14 East

Rochester, MN 55904